Forget me not


Forget-me-nots are one of my favorite flowers. I'm always happy to see them in gardens near houses, in parks and forests. I wanted to make earrings with them for myself. But artificial intelligence didn’t collaborate so easily. New species were born and I love them!

Some of them are already made into jewelry.

Finding a single Forget me not Flower with AI

This is a flower created with AI because no forget-me-nots grow in February. Also, even with gentle handling, after a while, the dried flowers turned brown. There were no usable shots on my phone from last summer either. I was surprised at how long it took me to get this single flower.

Mutants / New species

These mutated flowers were created during long attempts to generate a single flower for earrings. I like them very much!


Prints to order in any size : )

forget-me-not flower made with AI beautiful mutant print on demand
forget-me-not flower made with AI beautiful mutant print on demand


The colors on AI pictures and final jewelry can be slightly different because of the process of making.


This object is handmade. I hope it will make you happy every time you wear it.

If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:

  • Do not expose to long-term direct sunlight, temperatures close to freezing point, and excessive heat.

  • Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.

  • Do not expose metal parts to water or seawater.


Tento objekt bol ručne vyrobený. Dúfam že vám bude robiť radosť pri každom nosení.

Ak chcete aby vám slúžil čo možno najdlhšie, odporáčam dodržiavať zásady:

  • Nevystavovať dlhodobému priamemu slnku, či teplotám blízkym bodu mrazu a nadmerným horúčavám.

  • Zabrániť styku s olejmi, krémami, parfémami, lakmi na vlasy, či rozpúšťadlami ako odlakovač na nechty.

  • Nevystavovať kovové dielce vode, ani morskej.

Hack: Painting small objects

How I use reusable materials while making my jewelry and why chopsticks are makers friend

Where to buy