Forget-me-not II
From experiments with AI to original jewelry.
I played the role of a botanist, again : ), and played with “nature“ with my ideas.
Yellow Forget-me-not Flowers
Orange Forget-me-not Flowers
Jewelry made with these beauties
Stud Earrings
Earrings made with all of the love for these flowers.
They are ultra-light and vivid cute!
Red Forget-me-not Flowers
Pink Forget-me-not Flowers
Purple Forget-me-not Flowers
Rainbow Forget-me-not Flowers
Where to buy
Find out about the original jewelry made with these flowers!
For prints please ping me with an email.
This object is handmade. I hope it will make you happy every time you wear it.
If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:
Do not expose to long-term direct sunlight, temperatures close to freezing point, and excessive heat.
Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.
Do not expose metal parts to fluids.
Protect from scratches.
If something happens to your jewelry, don't hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to repair it.
Tento objekt bol ručne vyrobený. Dúfam že vám bude robiť radosť pri každom nosení.
Ak chcete aby vám slúžil čo možno najdlhšie, odporáčam dodržiavať zásady:
Nevystavovať dlhodobému priamemu slnku, či teplotám blízkym bodu mrazu a nadmerným horúčavám.
Zabrániť styku s olejmi, krémami, parfémami, lakmi na vlasy, či rozpúšťadlami ako odlakovač na nechty.
Nevystavovať kovové dielce tekutinám.
Chrániť pred poškriabaním.
Ak sa s vašim šperkom niečo stane, neváhajte sa mi ozvať. Urobím svoje maximum ho opraviť.
Manufacturing process
Images of colorful forget-me-nots were created by artificial intelligence during this visual experiment. I chose the most beautiful flowers and digitally printed them onto shrink film. They were baked and processed. I added colored edges to make the jewelry even more beautiful.
Forget me not
The previous project as an experiment with AI
Where to buy
Shop here