Instant Mood Changer

A ring with a tangerine was created first. I made it for myself and when I put it on, it immediately blew my mind! And that's why this series is called "Instant Mood Changer".

I have enjoyed making jewelry since I was a child. Over the years, my skills have grown quite a bit to include a wide variety of techniques. But things don't always have to be complicated. On the contrary, with everything that has been happening in the world in recent years, sometimes you just have to switch off and be silly, and that's how this ongoing project of mine was born.

It is not a miracle of technology, just connected colorful pieces of all sorts to metal parts.


This object is handmade. I hope it will make you happy every time you wear it.

If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:

  • Do not expose to long-term direct sunlight, temperatures close to freezing point, and excessive heat.

  • Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.

  • Do not expose metal parts to fluids.

  • Protect from scratches.

If something happens to your jewelry, don't hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to repair it.


Tento objekt bol ručne vyrobený. Dúfam že vám bude robiť radosť pri každom nosení.

Ak chcete aby vám slúžil čo možno najdlhšie, odporáčam dodržiavať zásady:

  • Nevystavovať dlhodobému priamemu slnku, či teplotám blízkym bodu mrazu a nadmerným horúčavám.

  • Zabrániť styku s olejmi, krémami, parfémami, lakmi na vlasy, či rozpúšťadlami ako odlakovač na nechty.

  • Nevystavovať kovové dielce tekutinám.

  • Chrániť pred poškriabaním.

Ak sa s vašim šperkom niečo stane, neváhajte sa mi ozvať. Urobím svoje maximum ho opraviť.

Finding objects that glow in the dark makes the “mood-changing effect“ even more epic : )

Make your own!

Feel free to join in and create your own colorful mood changers! You can find the material in any toy store or hobby shop. Metal jewelry parts in shops with material for making jewelry and I recommend gluing with jewelry glue or two-component epoxy.

I hope you will like it and it will work for you as it did for me :)

Where to buy

Want your Mood Changer?