One of the things I am very grateful for is the opportunity to do interviews for Fillamentum, a manufacturer of materials for 3D printing. I really enjoyed being able to be curious.

We are gradually removing technical problems : )

I'm so happy that I could talk with Ian from Fishy Filaments about the latest Fillamentum release of 100% recycled carbon-reinforced Nylon produced from fishing net waste - OrCA!

Talking to Josef Dolecek, the CEO of Fillamentum about the new collaboration with Fishy Filament to produce OrCA - recycled nylon from fishing nets and recycled carbon reinforcement.

Follow Fillamentum: web, in, fb, tw, yt

One of the most interesting makers I had talked to - Mike Hunt from 3DprintingCornwall talked with me about the best printing experiences with OrCA the recycled filament for 3D printing.