Filla Fella for Fillamentum
During the period I was a head of marketing at Fillamentum, a European manufacturer of high-quality materials for FDM 3D printing, I felt the urge to have some “mascot“. Other companies had their gnomes, octopuses, astronauts, robots, and more.
I needed something that will very well show shades of more than 40 colors of PLA Extrafill products. Something positive, aesthetically pleasing, simple, but very sophisticated at the same time!
While making a list of wanted features like - easy and quick to print also for beginners, nicely rounded to showcase the glitter and metallic materials, something you can print while testing new materials, and more.
At that moment I was sure it needed to be good. “Fillamentum quality” good.
Agustin Arroyo - Flowalistik
In-house we brainstormed ideas also from the team. If it maybe should be an animal like a cute puffin, or something Czech looking (the company is based in Czech republic) or something else.
After a few emails Agustin prepared a few scratches with ideas and there he was. Some small adjustments, posture whitch make him some expression and there he was!
I asked inside the company and also our fans how we should name him. And we chose Filla Fella, as your fella for 3D printing.
A “white canvas“
And here he is. A “white canvas“ which should be used as a source of inspiration, as a 3D printing test of look, a fella for your imagination.
Using Fella
Fella Watch
During that time the company was very popular and a lot of materials were often sold out. We wanted to have a simple notification system for informing customers when a product is back in stock. The 2D version of Fella helped here.
“Showman” Fella
He was mostly used to getting attention at the shop and showing the beauty of presented 3D printing filaments (materials). All the time was important that the figure is displayed in a simple playful way.
Filla Fella was very helpful for many other usages, also as a great background photo for presenting new stickers visuals.