A Tiny and elegant Treasure for your ears.
Metallic ornaments on a black background.
Epoxidová živica, kov
Ak chcete, aby vám slúžil čo najdlhšie, odporúčam dodržiavať zásady:
Chránte pred poškriabaním a oderom
Vyhnite sa kontaktu s olejmi, krémami, parfumami, lakmi na vlasy alebo rozpúšťadlami, ako je odlakovač na nechty.
Nevystavujte kovové časti vode, potu a morskej vode.
Epoxy resin, metal
If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:
Protects against scratches and abrasion.
Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.
Do not expose metal parts to water, sweat and seawater.
Handmade in a small collection
I'm often inspired by materials. My goal is to use all the crafting supplies that I hoarded during my whole life. I want to use every single pencil, sculpting clay, and bead I bought. These small filigrees were originally nail art. Now, they become one of my favorite pieces of jewelry to wear daily.
Epoxy curing to create the earring
Dipping into the base color
Inserting the filigran