

I love to be inspired by the colors and materials I find.
These are earrings made of toy sprinkles with a matt finish.


Plastic, metal


If you want it to serve you as long as possible, I recommend following the principles:

  • Do not expose to excessive heat.

  • Protects against scratches and abrasion.

  • Avoid contact with oils, creams, perfumes, hairspray, or solvents such as nail polish remover.

  • Do not expose metal parts to water, sweat and seawater.


Plast, kov


Ak chcete, aby vám slúžil čo najdlhšie, odporúčam dodržiavať zásady:

  • Nevystavujte nadmernému teplu.

  • Chránte pred poškriabaním a oderom

  • Vyhnite sa kontaktu s olejmi, krémami, parfumami, lakmi na vlasy alebo rozpúšťadlami, ako je odlakovač na nechty.

  • Nevystavujte kovové časti vode, potu a morskej vode.