What gets together artists, designers, jewelers, and photographers? Or a group of adult enthusiasts who still feel like children and are not ashamed to use colors and crayons?
It's an art project called Omaľovánka, for adults, which managed to mix this diverse group of people. Together they created black-and-white coloring pages that are intended for every big child.
Sixteen young and talented artists were given a free assignment to create one page of the Coloring Book each on high-quality paper. The result is a book that combines the sweet creativity and fantasy of the world of children with the precision and details of the world of adults. Because even adults like to play and, moreover, they can color even really small areas and squares.
Photo: Katarína Bell

Alexandra Barth (web)
Anna Deak (Behance)
Boris Vitázek (Tumblr)
Dominika Žáková (Tubmlr)
Ivana Šáteková (web)
Katarína Bellová (Tumblr)
Klaudia Bulantová (Behance)
Martina Rozinajová (web)
Michal Horňák
Mili Vigerová (fb page)
Miša Chmeličková (web)
Pert Včelka (Behance)
Peter Trmos
Richard Hlavatý
Ryna Leffler (Tumblr)
Zuzana Badinková (web)
Year of publication: 2014
Lounch: 1.6. 2014 - Stará tržnica
Printing: Tlačiareň Bardejov
Cover design a DTP: Magritte studio
Text: Tomáš Prokopčák
Why Omaľovánka?
You know those manual activities where you simply switch off and relax? Washing dishes, sports, repetitive activities... And I like coloring. But the problem used to be paper, which curled and got wet under markers. The same goes for cartoons that are no longer cool for people in their thirties.
And so I decided to change it and publish my own coloring book. Exactly as I dreamed!
She spent a few evenings with wine and a few afternoons with coffee in pleasant conversations with people - and that was it. She found a great printer, enthusiastic authors, and a bunch of supporters and cheerleaders.
And how it all turned out? It remains to be seen, but no good story begins with the words "when we were having tea". Even that evening with F. Š. in London, over whiskey and hummus, fate changed my "I don't know" to "yes, I will".
T-Shirt Omaľovánka
A special t-shirt with a design by Klaudia Bulantová was also created for Omaľovánka. Cocopinda also sold it with special markers for textiles, so it was possible to color it.
Photo: Katarína Bell

Vernissage in the Stara Trznica, on international Children's Day, during the Urban market
Photo: Martin Haburaj