New Souvenir | Bratislava Castle
While my friends visiting me in Bratislava, we went to a souvenir shop. To notice there is nothing that I would love to get for myself if I'm a tourist. So I made it - NEW SOUVENIR - Bratislava Castle.
The 3D printed souvenir is an absolutely simplified - low poly - version of the shape of the real castle.
4 cm
8 cm
12 cm
Material & care
The New Souvenir Bratislava Castle is a 3D printed model. Thanks to technology is every single piece a bit unique.
This is a decorative object. For the long-lasting, I recommend keeping it away from direct sun (possible color loss), indoor, and at room temperature. Too low temperatures can make the print brittle and too warm ones can melt it. For cleaning, it’s best to just blow out the dust or easy water wash without any soap or any other cleaning supplies.
This object is 3D printed with PLA material which is 100% bio-based - made of natural ingredients and therefore biodegradable in an industrial composter.
About Bratislava Castle
One of the city's landmarks — an integral part of its ambience. It consists of a set of buildings on the foothills of the Little Carpathians above the Danube; however, its settlement dates back to prehistoric times.
It began as a Celtic oppidum (fortified centre of production and trade), probably known to the Romans as Canuntum; over the centuries, it was rebuilt into its current form of a massive four-wing building with a floor plan of an irregular trapezoid.
The first surviving written mention of the Brezalauspurch, or Pressalauspurc stronghold, comes from the Salzburg Chronicles of July 4, 907, when Bavarians suffered a defeat which resulted in the expansion of the old Hungarians and the demise of Great Moravia.
The castle was exposed to the invasions of foreign troops many times; the motivation was mainly the gain of the Hungarian crown. It was besieged, damaged, regularly rebuilt during its several thousand-year history, and underwent ups and downs. After the 1811 fire, the castle was falling into disrepair until the 1950s; even its demolition was considered for some time.
Historical Milestones
In the 1st century BC, the castle hill housed the centre of an important Celtic oppidum, probably already known to the Romans as Canuntum.
The first written mention is from July 4, 907; at that time, it was still the fortified settlement of Brezalauspurch or Pressalauspurc (Great Moravia was disappearing).
Since the 10th century, it became a part of the network of guard castles and fortresses on the western border of the multi-ethnic state of the Kingdom of Hungary.
In the 12th century, the construction of a Romanesque stone palace took place. In the 13th century, after the Tatars invasion, the timbered fortified settlement was rebuilt into a stone castle, and the Crown Tower was built.
In the 15th century, the castle as the seat of Sigismund of Luxembourg was generously rebuilt in the Gothic style.
In the 16th century, it underwent a renaissance reconstruction, and Bratislava became the capital of Hungary, as the original capital of Budín became part of the Ottoman Empire (1529). It also became a royal residence then, and the Hungarian crown jewels were kept in the Crown Tower (in the southwest corner).
The castle gained its unmistakable silhouette in the 17th century during an extensive Baroque restoration when turrets were built on the other three corners of the palace.
In the second half of the 18th century, the castle was transformed into the seat of the Habsburg imperial court with the new Terezianum Palace and the Winter Riding Hall together with the Baroque gardens.
After the death of Maria Theresa, her son Joseph II. placed a priest's seminary in the castle and moved the regional offices from Bratislava to Vienna.
In the 19th century, the castle became a purely military building, and former representative premises were transformed into barracks for soldiers.
Between 1956 and 68, extensive post-fire reconstruction works were carried out to restore the castle to its Maria-Theresian style.
From 2008 to 2014, a comprehensive reconstruction was carried out to restore the no-longer preserved parts of the castle and garden pavilion. Nowadays, the castle as a national cultural monument serves as a representative and exhibition space.
O Bratislavskom hrade
Je jednou z dominant mesta, ktorá neodmysliteľne patrí k jeho koloritu. Je to súbor stavieb na výbežku Malých Karpát nad Dunajom, no jeho osídlenie siaha až do praveku.
Záčínal ako keltské oppidum (opevnené stredisko výroby a obchodu), ktoré pod menom Canuntum pravdepodobne poznali už Rimaninia, a postupom storočí bol prestavaný do súčasnej podoby mohutnej štvorkrídlovej stavby s pôdorysom nepravidelného lichobežníka.
Prvá dochovaná písomná zmienka o hradisku Brezalauspurch alebo Pressalauspurc pochádza zo Soľnohradských letopisov zo 4. Júla 907, kedy v bitke Bavori utrpeli porážku, ktorá mala za následok expanziu starých Maďarov a zánik Veľkej Moravy.
Hrad bol mnohokrát vystavený nájazdom cudzích vojsk, motiváciou bol prevažne zisk uhorskej koruny. Počas svojej niekoľkotisícročnej histórie bol viackrát obliehaný, poničený, pravidelne prestavovaný, prežil svoje vrcholy aj pády. Po požiari v roku 1811 hrad chátral až do pätdesiatych rokov 20. storočia a nejakú dobu sa dokonca zvažovalo, že sa zbúra.
História v bodoch
V 1. storočí pred n. l. sa nachádza na hradnom kopci ako centrum významného keltského oppida, ktoré pravdepodobne poznali už Rimaninia pod menom Canuntum.
Prvá písomná zmienka je zo 4. júla 907, vtedy išlo ešte o hradisko Brezalauspurch alebo Pressalauspurc (zanikala Veľká Morava)
Od 10. storočia sa stáva súčasťou siete strážnych hradov a pevností na západnej hranici mnohonárodnostného štátu Uhorského kráľovstva.
V 12. storočí sa uskutočnila výstavba kamenného romanského paláca a v 13. storočí po vpáde Tatárov sa drevozemné hradisko prestavalo na kamenný hrad a postavila sa Korunná veža.
V 15. storočí bol hrad ako sídlo Žigmunda Luxemburského veľkoryso prestavaný v gotickom štýle.
V 16. storočí prešiel renesančnou prestavbou a Bratislava sa stala hlavným mestom Uhorska, nakoľko pôvodné hlavné mesto Budín sa stalo súčasťou Osmanskej ríše (1529). V tomto období sa stal aj kráľovskou rezidenciou a v Korunnej veži (v juhozápadnom nároží) sa uchovávali uhorské korunovačné klenoty.
Svoju nezameniteľnú siluetu hrad získal v 17. storočí počas rozsiahlej barokovej obnovy, keď boli vystavané vežičky na ostatných troch nárožiach paláca.
V druhej polovici 18. storočia bol hrad premenený na sídlo habsburgského cisárskeho dvora s novým palácom Tereziánum a Zimnou jazdiarňou spolu s barokovými záhradami.
Po smrti Márie Terézie jej syn Jozef II. umiestnil na hrad kňazský seminár a krajinské úrady presunul z Bratislavy do Viedne.
V 19. storočí sa z hradu stal čisto vojenský objekt a pôvodné reprezentatívne priestory sa zmenili na ubytovne pre vojakov.
V rokoch 1956 - 68 prebiehali rozsiahle popožiarne rekonštrukčné práce s cieľom obnoviť hrad do tereziánskej podoby.
V rokoch 2008 - 2014 sa uskutočnila komplexná rekonštrukcia na obnovu už nezachovaných častí hradu a záhradného pavilónu. V súčasnosti hrad, ako národná kultúrna pamiatka, slúži ako reprezentačné a expozičné prietory.
Kate from Artattack 💛
Where to buy
Photos from Jarny Cverna Market 2022, where I was presenting the idea and first prototypes at Artattack Shop.