AI-Generated | Glass Horse
Around a week ago (the end of May) I submitted my request to join Midjourney. It’s artificial intelligence, which is rendering images from words you gave it.
“An independent research lab. Exploring new mediums of thought.
Expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.”
My first experience
I feel as excited as I have not been in a very long time. It’s a thing!
I feel like a small kid on an expedition. detective, researcher, artist. And weird at the same time.
It’s mine, I made it, but…feels still so cold and away at the same time.
I’m so excited and happy and full of energy from the new, because it’s a thing! Buuuuuut… it’s weird : )
Enjoy my first journey with Midjourney.
Thank you for letting me in.
Glass Horse
Glass Horse - I told to the AI at Discord. This was the very first image which came out. I spotted the first row and make another and anothe versions. I hope I placed theme here in the right order.
Check out also the detail, it’s unbelievable.